ozeki sns gateway

Your on-premise SMS gateway software

Ozeki SMS Gateway is an on-site professional SMS gateway software. It can be installed on Windows and Linux. It allows people and software applications to send and receive SMS messages. Ozeki SMS Gateway gives you the ability to take full control of your SMS infrastructure. Since it runs on your own server(s), it keeps your SMS phone number lists safe and your SMS data private.

Ozeki SMS Gateway is used by businesses, sms aggregators and mobile network operators. It allows multiple methods to connect to different mobile networks. It is a very reliable and high-performance software. It allows your system to reliably operate 24/7 even if there is no Internet connection or you experience hardware failures. The software can automatically switch between servers and automatically route SMS messages to working connections.

sms quick start

Send SMS
Receive SMS
Delivery reports

Long term support

Ozeki Ltd. has been providing SMS gateway products since year 2000. Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway is our latest and most advanced SMS Gateway system. We are dedicated to provide long term support and development for this product. Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway will be supported for 10 years until 2034.

How to connect your SMS Gateway to the mobile network?

To connect your SMS gateway to the mobile network you have various options. You can connect wirelessly the same way as mobile phones connect. You can connect to the SMSC of a mobile network operator over the Internet using the SMPP, UCP or CIMD2 protocol or you can use an on-line http sms service. In either case it is a good practice to use multiple connections to the mobile network for fault tolerance, load balancing, least cost routing and backup routing purposes. A common practice is to setup an IP sms connection (e.g. SMPP client connection) for everyday high performance messaging. After this connection is working, it is a good idea to setup a wireless link as backup. You can setup a wireless link using an SMS modem pool. These to connections will make sure your system operates even if the primary SMS service fails.

How to connect your SMS gateway to the mobile network wirelessly

To connect your SMS gateway to the mobile network wirelessly, you will send sms using a GSM modem, or you will send sms using a GSM modem pool or you will use an Android Mobile phone.

android mobile connection
Android mobile connection

In either case you need SIM cards purchased from a local mobile network operator, and the phone numbers you can use as SMS Sender ID will be the phone numbers assigned to the SIM cards by the network operator. The advantage to using a wireless connection is that it is easy to setup, and often you can send and receive SMS messages free of charge over wireless links. (In fact many SMS service providers run a business of purchasing SMS modem pools with SIM cards and they sell the SMS messages and phone numbers to their clients over the Internet by providing an HTTP sms service.)

sms modem pool connection
SMS modem pool connection

How to connect your SMS gateway to a mobile network operator

To send large volumes of SMS messages, a direct connection to the Short Message Service Centre (SMSC) of a mobile network operator, or to a high capacity on-line SMS service is a good option. Mobile network operators and top SMS providers offer SMPP client connection or other heavy-duty SMS protocols, such as the UCP sms protocol, the CIMD2 sms protocol or the OZX sms protocol. In most cases you can connect to these providers through a secure SSL link. You may check out the how to create a secure smpp client connection guide on getting more information about this connection option.

sms gateways direct connection to the smsc over smpp
SMS Gateway's direct connection to the SMSC over SMPP

How to connect your SMS gateway to an HTTP SMS service provider

The third option to connect your system to the mobile network is to connect to an HTTP SMS service provider. Although the HTTP protocol is not the most efficient option to send and receive SMS messages, because it puts a large data overhead on each SMS, and it does not support SMS delivery reports and inbound SMS messages properly, it is still used by many businesses. The primary reason for this is that an HTTP SMS connection can be setup very effortlessly.

smpp to http rest sms service
Connection through an HTTP sms provider

To connect your system to an HTTP SMS service, you need to sign up to the service on their website, and you need to enter the account details they provide into Ozeki SMS Gateway. A list of supported SMS service providers can be found in our On-line SMS service providers page. You will find step by step instructions for each provider on how to connect to their service.

Installation options

You may install your SMS gateway in your own server room to a physical or on a virtual server. A physical PC gives the best performance, a virtual pc can be great for system management and easy backups. All major virtualization platforms are supported (Linux Kvm, Oracle, VmWare, Microsoft Hyper-V, etc). As the host OS, you can install the SMS gateway on Windows or you may setup the SMS gateway on Linux.

Install your SMS gateway into the Cloud if you don't wish to operate a system on premises. Ozeki SMS Gateway supports installation into Amazon AWS, installation into Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Rackspace, Sigmanet, MHosting and many other cloud providers. This option requires a VPS service, that offers Windows or Linux servers.

For smaller operations, you may even install Ozeki SMS Gateway on an Android mobile phone, which gives you instant connection to the mobile network.

If you are into IoT sensors and hardware, you may choose to install Ozeki SMS Gateway on a Raspberry Pi. This gives you direct access to sensors and actuators attached to your embedded system. IoT Ozeki installations often communicate with a central Ozeki Gateway installed into the cloud.

How to provide SMS service with your SMS gateway

Once your SMS gateway is connected to your mobile networks you can create user accounts to provide SMS service to your business applications, to your office users or to your customers over the Internet. If you wish you can even become an SMS service provider.

How to provide SMS service

Your SMS business applications will connect to your SMS gateway through one of the SMS APIs provided by the SMS gateway. They can send SMS through HTTP requests, through a database or by simply creating a text file in certain directory.

Office users will use the HTTP user interface of the SMS gateway from a web browser, or they will use an E-mail to SMS configuration or send sms from Excel.

SMS gateway interfaces

If you want to offer SMS service to your customers or to remote offices you can configure the built in SMPP server of Ozeki SMS Gateway. Yes, Ozeki SMS Gateway can offer the same SMS service, that is offered by Mobile Network Operators. It has built in very powerful SMPP server.

Setup a high performance SMPP server

Ozeki 10 SMS gateway is the best software if you wish to provide SMS services for your customers, office users or business applications. If you are interested in setting up a robust system, you will be thrilled once you experience the outstanding performance of the built in SMPP server. But don't take our word for it. Setup a test system free of charge in your own network, and push one million messages through it in real time! You will experience firsthand the performance, and you will know that this is the best SMS gateway software out there. You will see, that the system is capable of delivering up to 1000 SMS messages per second and can do this over a sustained period of time.

smpp speed test

If you wish to provide SMS service to your customers, office users or business applications, you will also like our client software offerings. Client software such as the Ozeki SMS Client, the Excel client or the Ozeki C# SMS api dll can be distributed without any limitations free of charge to your users. Your software developers will like the powerful HTTP SMS API. System administrators will be satisfied with the SMS routing capabilities and the high performance SQL reporting. We are proud of our SQL reporting implementation because we know that it will not lose any messages, even if your reporting database server goes offline temporarily. If the database is inaccessible, the messages will be temporarily saved into a text file and will be pushed to the database once it comes back again.

Your users deserve outstanding reliability and performance, and Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway is here to deliver just that. Check out the information below to find out more.

Use advanced SMS routing

Ozeki SMS gateway has a world class SMS routing engine. This routing engine allows you to forward SMS messages from one user or mobile network connection to another based on conditions you define. There is a large number of conditions, such as phone number prefix, message text matching, service period or time of day. In addition to routing by pattern matching, the SMS routing engine also allows you to modify the SMS text messages on the fly. You can replace the phone numbers, change the message text, append a note to the end of the messages. Find out more about SMS routing in the SMS routing basics guide.

sms routing match patterns

Email to SMS for Exchange and Outlook

Office users in 2024 use Microsoft Office 365 whether they work from home, from a remote location or from your Office desktops. This means that they are hooked up to Microsoft Exchange that runs in the Azure cloud or in their on-premises data centre. Ozeki 10 SMS gateway can be easily configured to provide Email to SMS for Exchange.

email to sms gateway

Many Office users use Outlook, Windows mail, and some use Thunderbird as their primary email client. Ozeki SMS Gateway can be used to create email to sms and sms to email forwarding for these clients. You can find a standalone guide that explains how you can send sms from Windows Mail and how you can send sms from Mozilla Thunderbird.

Email to SMS for Linux based e-mail servers

In addition to Office 365 / Exchange support Ozeki SMS gateway offers standard email to sms and sms to email forwarding for other popular Email systems, such as Postfix, Sendmail, etc.... These standard e-mail systems use the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols. Ozeki offers a secure implementation for all of these protocols. You can read more about these options by following the links bellow.

ozeki email to sms both directions

Easy to use GUI

The Ozeki SMS gateway user interface is very easy to use. It can be accessed from a web browser. (The web browser is served by the built in webserver of the SMS Gateway software). When you open the home page of the SMS gateway, you will see 4 panels as shown on the figure below. The left panel contains the installed mobile network connections. The middle two panels contain routing rules. The right panel contains the list of users and applications.

sms gateway menu

The first task you will do after installing Ozeki 10 SMS gateway, is setting up a connection to the mobile network. Next you will likely create user accounts, or you will create an API access for software developers. Finally, you will setup reporting to keep track of costs and to control the user activity in your service. The following pages provide useful information to complete these tasks:

Connect your system to the mobile network
How to connect to SMPP SMS services
How to connect to UCP/EMI SMS services
How to connect to CIMD2 SMS services
How to connect to HTTP SMS services
How to use a mobile phone attached to the PC to connect to the mobile network
How to connect your system to multiple mobile networks

Provide SMS service
How to setup SMPP user accounts, so your users can connect to your system
Setup the HTTP API for developers who wish to send/receive SMS from apps
Learn about least cost routing based on phone number prefix
Find out how you can assign custom Sender IDs to your customers

Billing and reporting
Learn how to use the reporting database to support billing
How to find a single message and how to view it's history

Send SMS from applications

The best way to build a business is to rely on software instead of human work. Your automated software solutions will work precisely and reliable 24/7. Check out the following options offered for software developers by Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway. Developers can use these APIs to integrate SMS functionality into your applications, to make day-to-day operations more efficient.

SMS APIs for developers
Send SMS using HTTP

Send SMS from a database

Many companies use relational database systems to store their data and their systems communicate with the databases using SQL. Ozeki 10 SMS gateway offers an easy way to create SMS functionality if you use a database. All you have to do is setup two database tables: one for sending SMS and another for receiving SMS and let Ozeki pick up the SMS messages to send using an SQL SELECT statement, and insert the incoming SMS messages using an SQL INSERT statement. More information about such a setup can be found in our SQL to SMS setup guide. Database server specific configurations are listed below.

send sms from database

SQL to SMS configurations:

Send SMS from Microsoft SQL Server
Send SMS from Microsoft Access
Send SMS from Oracle
Send SMS from MySQL
Send SMS from PostgreSQL
Send SMS from SAP SQL Anywhere

Send SMS from Excel

Office users wish to use simple tools they are already familiar with and tools that already contain the data they work with. Such tools are Microsoft Excel, Access and E-mail. The following links help you provide tools for your Office users to make it easy for them to send and receive SMS messages from the office PC's. You can send SMS from Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, you can create Txt files with a list of phone numbers and messages text or you can use an Email to SMS configuration.

excel view

More information


Feature list

Check out the amazing feature of this super camera recorder software. Learn about recoring and viewing option and computer vision features.
system requirements

System requirements

Find out the software and hardware requirements. In short you need a windows PC with an up to date processor and sufficient RAM.

PDF order form

You can download and fill out this form and send it to us in e-mail to info@ozeki.hu to start your purchase.

PDF Guide

You can download the Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway Product Guide (151 MB) and read about the SMS communication software.

Installation guide

how to setup ozeki on windows

How to install

Check out this step by step installation guide. It will show you how you can install this Ozeki product using the Ozeki app store.
how to set admin password

Create admin password

This guide provides you information about how you can create a password for your admin account.
how to activate ozeki product

Product activation

In this guide, you can learn about how you can activate your Ozeki 10 product with the purchased serial number.

Developers guide

how to use php sms api


By following this guide, you will be able to learn about how you can use Ozeki PHP SMS API into your messaging solution.
how to use c sharp sms api


Use C#.Net to send and receive SMS from Visual Studio. Check out the C# SMS api reference manual, or read one of the following articles:
How to send sms from C#
How to receive sms in C#
how to use vb net sms api


This guide helps you to learn how to manage SMS messages using Visual Basic.NET applications.


how to send sms using smpp connection

SMPP Connection

Learn about, how to setup an SMPP SMS client connection. SMPP stands is a very popular choice among SMS service providers.
how to use ucp connection

UCP/EMI Connection

The Universal Conputer Protocol and its extension, External Machine Interface is a greate choice to connect to short message service centers for mobile phones.
how to use cimd client connection

CIMD2 Client Connection

Learn about how you can set up a CIMD2 SMS client connection in Ozeki SMS Gateway. The CIMD2 interface transfers messages between applications and the SMS Provider.
how to use cimd client connection

OZX Client Connection

Learn how you can use an OZX client connection to connect your Ozeki SMS gateway system directly to the Short Message Service Center (SMSC) of a mobile network operator over the Internet.
how to use http client connection

HTTP Client Connection

Learn about how you set up a HTTP SMS client connection in Ozeki SMS Gateway. By using this solution, you will be able to communicate with web applications.
how to use rest client connection

REST SMS client Connection

Learn about how you set up a REST SMS client connection in Ozeki SMS Gateway. By using this solution, you will be able to communicate with web applications.
how to connect android in smpp

Android SMPP

This guide gives you information about how you can set up an Android SMS client connection in Ozeki SMS Gateway.
sms modem

SMS Modem

The following guide is about to demonstrate how you can connect your GSM modem to your PC and configure it with Ozeki SMS Gateway.
sms modem pool

SMS Modem Pool

SMS modem pools contain many GSM modems. They give you several phone numbers and high capacity.
sms service provider list

SMS Service Providers

Ozeki offers native connection to many on-line SMS service providers. Check out the list of supported On-line SMS services.


how create a standard sms user account

Standard User

With Ozeki SMS Gateway Standard user you can log in to the grafical user interface and you are able to send SMS. And you can investigate the details of the delivery of the message.
autoreply sms messages

Autoreply SMS

Ozeki SMS Gateway has 3 type of Autoreply Users which are used for automatically replying SMS messages or forwarding them to any recipient.
sms to e-mail and e-mail to sms

Email to SMS

Ozeki SMS Gateway enables you to setup email to SMS forwarding. You can connect email clients, such as Windows Mail or Mozilla Thunderbird directly, or you can use IMAP, POP3 or SMTP with your email servers.
how to send sms from excel

SMS from Excel

The following guide is about to demonstrate how you can send multiple SMS messages by just one click from an Excel document using the SMS Gateway. The guide provides a step by step guide which shows what components you need to set up this solution.
how to send sms from txt files

SMS from/to File

Ozeki SMS Gateway's File User is capable to send and receive SMS messages in different file formats. Your application can place these files in proper directories to send SMS messages.
how to send sms from an ftp server

SMS from/to FTP

Ozeki SMS Gateway's FTP to SMS User can synchronize directories with SMS Gateway through standard FTP, FTPS or SFTP protocols.
how to use sms modem

Application starter

Ozeki SMS Gateway's Application Starter User can run any process or application in case an SMS message arrives. You simply need to provide the file path.
how to send smm using database

SMS from/to Database

Learn about, how you can connect Ozeki SMS Gateway to a selected database server. Select from many of the supported database servers.
how to use http sms api


The HTTP API provides flexibility and simplicity to help developers in productivity and be able to add SMS functionality to any project.

Programing SMS APIs

C# tutorial


This tutorial helps you get started with C#. It explains what you need to send your first sms from C#.
VB tutorial


This tutorial helps you get started with Visual Basic. It explains what you need to send your first sms from Visual Basic.
F# tutorial


This tutorial helps you get started with F#. It explains what you need to send your first sms from F#.
Java tutorial

Java SMS

This tutorial helps you get started with Java. It explains what you need to send your first sms from Java.
JavaScript tutorial

JavaScript SMS

This tutorial helps you get started with JavaScript. It explains what you need to send your first sms from JavaScript.
Node.js tutorial

Node.js SMS

This tutorial helps you get started with Node.js. It explains what you need to send your first sms from Node.js.
Kotlin tutorial

Kotlin SMS

This tutorial helps you get started with Kotlin, and Android development. It explains what you need to send your first sms from Kotlin.
C/Cpp tutorial


This tutorial helps you get started with C/C++. It explains what you need to send your first sms from C/C++.
Delphi tutorial

Delphi SMS

This tutorial helps you get started with Delphi. It explains what you need to send your first sms from Delphi.
PHP tutorial


This tutorial helps you get started with PHP. It explains what you need send your first sms from PHP.
Objective C tutorial

Objective C SMS

This tutorial helps you get started with Objective-C. It explains what you need to send your first sms from Objective-C.
Perl tutorial

Perl SMS

This tutorial helps you get started with Perl. It explains what you need to send your first sms from Perl.
Ruby tutorial

Ruby SMS

This tutorial helps you get started with Ruby. It explains what you need ro send your first sms from Ruby.
Go tutorial


This tutorial helps you get started with Go. It explains what you need to send your first sms from Go.
R tutorial


This tutorial helps you get started with R. It explains what you need to send your first sms from R.
Scala tutorial

Scala SMS

This tutorial helps you get started with Scala. It explains what you need tosend your first sms from Scala.

How to send SMS from a database

microsoft sql

Microsoft SQL

You can use an Microsoft SQL database for SMS messaging. Follow these pages to send or receive SMS messages through Ozeki SMS Gateway's Database User.
microsoft sql express

Microsoft SQL Express

You can use an MSSQL Express database for SMS messaging. Follow these pages to send or receive SMS messages through Ozeki SMS Gateway's Database User.


The connection between Oracle Database and Ozeki SMS Gateway is a perfect solution for SMS messaging.


You can combine Ozeki SMS Gateway with a MySQL database to send, receive and store SMS messages. On these pages you can see how to install and configure the connection.


This chapter gives you great opportunity to see how to send and receive SMS messages through pre-created PostgreSQL database tables.
sap sql anywhere

SAP SQL Anywhere

See how to send and receive SMS messages through an SAP SQL Anywhere server with the Database User of Ozeki SMS Gateway.
microsoft access

Microsoft Access

You can simply start to send and receive SMS messages through Ozeki SMS Gateway's Database User by using Microsoft Access database tables.


This chapter gives you great opportunity to see how to send and receive SMS messages through ODBC connection.


This chapter gives you great opportunity to see how to send and receive SMS messages through OleDB connection.


See how to send and receive SMS messages through an SQLite server with the Database User of Ozeki SMS Gateway.

How to provide SMS service

Provide SMPP service

Provide SMPP service

An SMPP Server connection is something you want to setup if you wish to provide SMS service to your customers.
Provide HTTP service

Provide HTTP service

The HTTP SMS API implemented by Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway provides a great, easy to use interface, that allows software developers to send and receive SMS messages.
SMS routing

SMS routing

This document gives you an introduction to SMS routing. It covers the basic concepts of the SMS routing procedure in Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway.
HLR lookups

HLR lookups

This guide provides information about HLR lookups and how HLR information can be used in SMS routing.
Load balancing

Load balancing

Load balancing prevents application downtime, increases performance and helps in detecting failures in the early stages.
SQL reporting

SQL reporting

This guide explains how to setup a SQL Database server to save all SMS messages going through the system.
Performance tuning

Performance tuning

If you operate an SMPP server, you will often be faced with the requirement to optimize for performance, or just simply to limit the message throughput for a particular SMPP user account.
Cluster setup

Cluster setup

The cluster software makes it possible to set up servers in a clustered configuration. The multiple servers work together with the same operating systems and applications.
Connection down alert

Connection down alert

In service provider systems, reliability is very important. To have a good uptime record, you need to be able to detect errors quickly.
Phone number blocking

Phone number blocking

This section is about to show you how easy you can set sender phone number in a routing rule to drop the message.
SMS modifications

SMS modifications

This guide is going to demonstrate how you can manipulate messages using the SMS routing rules of the SMS Gateway.
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